Writing prose could be as helpful as writing code.
Bullet journaling is my daily habit. I was inspired by the simple format and the promise for reflecting over the days, weeks, and years. “The Bullet Journal method” by Ryder Carroll is my guide.
Also, I write vue.js, cypress and/or golang code daily working on a web app passion project.
I really enjoy David Kadavy’s books and podcasts.
So I am super excited to be starting his free email course, “Build a writing habit with just 100 words a day":
So far, my 100 word habit is just for generating ideas on how to apply reading material to my life. But, I hope it can evolve into something grander.
My writing habit tech stack:
* [omnifocus](https://www.omnigroup.com/omnifocus/) * [bear](https://bear.app/) * [streaks](https://streaksapp.com/)This post was inspired by a tweet from @FutureFounder.
P.S. Logged 151 words. Done for today!
Do you have a Writing Habit?
I would love to hear about your writing habit! Tweet me @ardith_falkner or post a quick comment on my original Indie Hacker’s post Do you have a writing habit?
Photo by Mark Fletcher-Brown on Unsplash