Today is my birthday, December 31st, and the transition between the year 2020 and 2021.
I imagine 2020 will be looked back as the year of the coronavirus, the year of lock down, quarantine, and social distancing. The year we lost too many people needlessly. Despite the great sadness, many of us had much to be grateful for. So many people stepped up to ensure the safety of our communities. The act of wearing a mask and staying home was an act of love for those who are most vulnerable to the virus. In some sense, it was easy to do something meaningful by just following the rules and staying home.
My hope is that for each day of 2021, I can move away from the living in fear that characterized the year 2020. From the safety of this blog and other digital media, I hope to work toward opening up and sharing my learnings mainly through the creation of software.
Hope to hear from you
If anything resonates, let’s connect. I am on Twitter @ardith_falkner.
Photo by Richard Burlton on Unsplash